K8 Web Kit

Free Low Code App Builder

It's so easy to generate data elements like:
forms, lists, catalogs and charts.

About K8 Web Kit

Design your database applications with K8 Web Kit for multiple devices with browser technology. Create your tables and let K8 Web Kit generate the basic elements for you. Using simple JSON data structures and basic HTML, you can optimize and link your elements together.

It's Low Code App developement, because K8 Web Kit makes all CRUD operations for you. Thanks to the standardizing of simple processes, you can concentrate on the essential programming.

All elements are created in the JavaScript frontend. As a JavaScript developer, you have many advantages through the K8 Web Kit functions and no restrictions in your usual development environment.

K8 Web Kit is created with powerful libraries:


Generate a master data element out of your database table

You have created the necessary tables for your web application in your database. Now you can generate a data definition for individual tables. The data definition contains the following definitions:

  • Data access class
  • List of columns (tab)
  • Form

The generated data definition can be changed according to your needs. You can easily add or remove an image upload. Text areas can be supplemented with tinymce (rich text editor) for better editing and formatting.

The Masterdata Plugin controls the filtering, sorting, creating, editing and deleting of your datasets.

For more information please see:

For more details to the master data, please have a look to:

Documentation: Master data form

Generate a catalog element out of your database table

The catalog template contains a simple HTML with an image, a title, the controls and a description. You can simply add placeholders to all other fields.

The catalog plugin makes it easy to read, filter and display your catalogue. The controls allow you to create, edit and delete your catalog entries. The necessary data structures can easily be generated and changed:

  • Data access class
  • Format definition for displaying numbers and date fields
  • Form for creating and editing

The generated data definition can be changed according to your needs. An image upload is already planned. Text areas can be supplemented with tinymce (rich text editor) for better editing and formatting.

For more details to the catalog element, please have a look to:

Documentation: Catalog


Many details make K8 Web Kit to a powerful developement tool for web database applications. Please check out our document section for all the awesome solutions. The main Highlights are listed here:

User Management

The user management is combined with a data access class and a RBAC system. This makes your data save. It also allows you to configure the access roles for each table. Have a look to the amazing details.

Bootstrap form builder

The Bootstrap 5 form builder generates a bootstrap form out of your table. An simple JSON data structure allows you to adjust the field types to your needs. File upload and HTML editor can be added with one line.


With the Mini CMS, you can design your own websites in dialogue. Images can be uploaded and placed in the right position. Own data elements like catalogs, forms, lists and graphics can be added with the site definition.

Powerful Backend

The column definition of the database table is generated automatically. No SQ-Statements need to be defined for a simple table. For special requirements, statements and program code can be added.


Download K8 Web Kit and get started it in your own developement environenment.


To make it easier for you to get started with the K8 Web Kit, here are some examples with explanations to help you achieving a quick result.

Reference: Servicereporter

Time tracking and order processing

The Servicereporter is a lightweight and mobile office software. From customer orders to service reports, all the way to automated consolidated invoices, the Servicereporter supports you and your employees in the daily management of your documents and receipts.

With the integrated order processing, you always have an overview of your inventory and can create purchase and sales documents in no time. In addition to the usual functions of master data maintenance, the Servicereporter offers an integrated service ticket system, calendar and email integration, as well as a smart system for recording your employees' working hours.

Data import and export functions, as well as graphical representations of sales or working hours, complete the range of functions.

have a look to the great functionality:


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