
getting help

Getting Help


Have a look to the Docs. An example shows the functionality. In the developer area the "how to" is explained.


Have a look to the examples. For each element are several examples available.


Join the K8 Web Kit discord server to get in contact with other users and experts:

donnation & support

Donnations and Support

Please support the developement of K8 Web Kit:

bug reports

Bug Reporting

K8 Web Kit is a complex construction kit with several libraries and components. If you have found a bug, please check if it's a known bug. Otherwise add it in the bug report:



Please give this project a like or follow it on:

You are also welcome to send us your ideas and feature requests. If you have created interesting solutions, let us knonw about it. Perhaps, we will add it into K8 Web Kit. See the contact in page bottom.