The menu

Bootstrap Navbar

The navbar is divided into 3 parts:

  • the brand
  • the toggling area
    • the link list
    • additional search

Involved files are:

  • masterdata/_init.php
  • _header.php
  • js/menu.js
  • masterdata/js/masterdata.js

There are 3 possibilities to create a menu, defined by masterdata/_init.php, domain_menumode:

  • 0: manuell _header.html
  • 1: JavaScript js/menu.js
  • 2: dialog, menu: Admin/Menu

Bootstrap navbar

The navbar is well explained on getbootstrap.

With menu.js

With a simple Javascript data structure the bootstrap menu can be generated automatically:

Change the menu and display it:

bootstrap navbar, data structure

The menu is stored in js/menu.js.

Additionally to a simple menu url, I use a pages array with the menu url. An Example for the datastructure:

  • selector: "mynavi.navbar"
  • html_li_simple
  • html_li_dropdown
  • pages:{}
    • <pagename>
      • url
      • datadef
      • login
      • langchoice
  • menu:[]
    • title
    • ID (optional)
    • condition: (optional, default: true) or a JavaScript expression
    • href (optional)
    • page (optional)
    • target (optional)
    • active_by (optional): "page"(default),"url","basename","none"
    • li_class (optional)
    • li_attributes (optional)
    • a_attributes (optional)
    • children[] (optional)

The ID is helpful if you want to change, add or delete your menu structure for example for a special customer with JavaScript.


With this class the link is displayed, but its not clickable.


With a JavaScript expression, variables and functions are useable and define, if the menu item is displayed or not. Example for an Javascript expression:

  • variable:
    • var user_right=5;
  • menu item with condition:
    • "condition":"user_right==5"